Translational Science BioCore - BioBank



For more detailed information about our services, please visit our website:


Overview of Services

To facilitate cancer and other disease-related basic science, translational and clinical research within the UW-Madison system through the integration of human biospecimen collection and storage with associated histology, molecular, morphometric and consultative services in conjunction with the TRIP Laboratory.


Collect and distribute human derived biospecimens

  • BioBank serves as an “Honest Broker” which permits the distribution of human biospecimens, tissue microarrays (TMAs), and associated clinical and demographic annotations that are coded in a manner that protects patient confidentiality and without the need to submit your own IRB.
  • BioBank operates with UW MR-IRB approval to prospectively collect, store, and distribute a wide variety of human tissues/body fluids from patients being treated within our hospitals and clinics.
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs) have been established to ensure quality parameters.
  • BioBank also provides biospecimen collection, processing, and storage services to UW and UWCCC members with project-specific, IRB-approved protocols.


Construct and distribute disease specific tissue microarrays (TMAs)

  • Board certified surgical pathologists review archival tissue blocks to identify specimens well suited for inclusion in new disease specific TMAs, which are then constructed in collaboration with the TRIP Laboratory.
  • Each TMA is fully annotated with relevant clinical data and is available for distribution to UW, UWCCC and outside investigators under the BioBank’s existing IRB.


Equipment rental and Specimen storage

  • Leica CM1950 cryostats, Thermo Scientific Microm HM355S microtome, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer for nucleic acid analysis and a Leica VT1000S vibratome are available for rental
  • Please note, equipment trainings are only done on Mondays and Tuesdays


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

 6 AM - 5 PM 

1111 Highland Avenue

WIMR 2058
Madison, WI 53705

Links and Resources

  1. UW Translational Science BioCore - BioBank Website
  2. UW Translational Science Bio-Core - BioBank Inventory 
  3. TRIP Laboratory




Stephanie McGregor, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator



Name Role Phone Email Location
Everlyne Nkadori
Assistant Director
WIMR L5/179
Mark McClintock
Financial Contact
CSC K4/619
BioBank Lab
WIMR 2058

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